Patient Participation Group
The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) invite local people to be actively involved in the planning and development of new and existing health services. This helps them understand the healthcare service and enables them to voice opinions on topics such as service provision and local concerns. PPGs give patients, GPs and practice staff an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and take action.
A PPG consists of voluntary patient representatives and practice staff who meet regularly to consider improvements in healthcare service provision supplied by the practice to patients.
Wallingbrook Health Group PPG meets bi-monthly at the Health Centre in Chulmleigh. The PPG members represent a number areas covered by the practice. Our PPG members are: Shelley Sherman (Chair), Rosemary Rives–Roberts, Maggie Samuel, and Mary Bavidge from Chulmleigh, Jack Earnshaw from Burrington, Bill Graham from Lapford and Andrew Warner from Winkleigh. Practice staff members include a Wallingbrook Partner, Lucy Harris (Managing Partner).

Any patient can apply to join the PPG via the Practice using the contact details provided or emailing Ideally volunteers will come from a cross-section of the community.
The aims of the group are to:
- provide feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests.
- challenge the Practice constructively, whenever necessary.
- represent patients’ opinions, good or otherwise, to the Practice and help the patients to understand the Practice’s viewpoint.
- undertake projects or reviews to enhance the performance of the Practice in the community.
- ensure a consultation process is built into new initiatives or change, so there is a reasonable time for genuine feedback from the PPG and community prior to implementation. If you are interested there is also a Virtual Patient Participation Group. As a member of this Group the Practice will email you, asking for your opinion on a range of topics. You decide how often and when you would like to answer. By doing this you will help the Practice to provide an accessible and responsive service and you will be amongst the first to hear about news and updates.
For further information about our procedures, meetings and roles please click below for our Terms of Reference.
Who can become a member?
Generally anyone who is a patient within the Practice can become a member. However, the Practice does have a right to refuse an individual if it considers it is in the best interest of the individual or the Practice.
All local groups send a representative to the central PPG group monthly meeting at Chulmleigh. Patients reflecting younger age ranges are under-represented at all parishes.
If you would like to become a member please contact the practice using the contact details or email
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Patient Group Reporting
PPG Members
Shelley Sherman (Chair)
I became a patient at Wallingbrook in February 2020, shortly after returning to mainland Devon after over a decade living and working on Lundy. I volunteered to deliver prescriptions and necessities when the pandemic began. I attend two fitness classes, walk in the countryside and enjoy various crafts, all of which help to keep me healthy and happy.
Joining the St. John's Ambulance Brigade at the age of 8 years began a lifetime of being a First Aider/Responder. I was a Coastguard Rescue Officer for 12 years and a Firefighter for 8 years also serving as a school governor and volunteering as a swimming teacher/coach.
I am currently Chair of the Patient Participation Group.

Jack Earnshaw
I've been a patient at Wallingbrook since 2007, when we moved to Burrington from Berkshire, after taking early retirement.
I am married, with 3 adult sons and have been involved with charities and public services for many years, although professionally, as a mathematician, I worked in Aerospace and Financial Services.
My reasons for becoming a member of the PPG was my interest in how services are delivered and the use of IT systems.

Maggie Samuel
My family has lived in Chulmleigh since 1979.
- Joined the Wallingbrook Health Group Patient Participation Group (WHC PPG) in 2006, though at that time it was a focus group of invited patients.
- Chair of WHG PPG from 2012 - 2015 and led the reform of the group into a properly constituted PPG.
- Participated in a wide variety of local activities from keep fit to walking.
- Chair of Chulmleigh Tennis Club.
- Believe in an active retirement that supports the local community and represents their views.

Rosemary Rives-Roberts
I have been a patient at Wallingbrook since 1993 and am currently a member of the PPG having previously been Chair.
My background is that of teaching, working as an Outreach Worker for a charity, and finally as a Civil Servant before retirement. I have found aspects of all these employments useful in my work with the PPG.
I live in Chulmleigh and I am married with two grown-up children who live locally.

Bill Graham
I moved to Devon in 2014. My professional career was initially in the technical disciplines in theatre and latterly in technical management then consultancy for the conference and major events industry, both in the UK and overseas.
I am a member of Lapford Parish Council and serve on the PCC of the Parish Church, as well as on other village committees.
Mary Bavidge
I moved to Chulmleigh from East Devon in 2019 and became a patient at Wallingbrook Health Centre.
My career was in nursing with a few years working as a psychiatric nurse. For the final twelve years I managed nursing homes, caring for patients suffering with dementia.
I also worked in New Zealand for five years. I have three children, two stepchildren and many grandchildren, plus one great grandson.
I retired to care for my disabled husband.

Andrew Warner
I was educated in Yorkshire and Edinburgh for a career as a Veterinary Surgeon. I Arrived in Winkleigh in 1980 and stuck!
My 2nd spell on the Parish council with a bit more time and some understanding of the pressures of the Medical profession led me to volunteer to be the Winkleigh PC representative for Wallingbrook’s Patient Participation Group.